So much for my weekly blog!!

January 29, 2025

It’s been so long since I attended to my website. So much has happened since I last sat down and wrote a blog page. First thing was I decided to move back to Guelph. So my partner Frank and I had booked a vacation in England and Ireland and were very excited about that. Our departure date was August 29th. So after our vacation, we were to come home and immediately start packing and cleaning to stage this house in London in preparation to sell. Our vacation was cut short since Frank developed Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis in both legs and was not able to walk any distance at all. We get home and I start packing away my stacks and stacks of fabric to be stored in a storage unit in Guelph. We also wanted to clear some space to make this small house look airy and inviting. So we packed and brought van loads full of furniture to the storage unit as well. After a couple weeks of this we started our selling adventure. In the meantime, we found a cute little house in Guelph that we put a conditional offer on. We didn’t think we would have any problem selling this sweet little house. Wrong!! The market sucked!!! The poor lady that we bought from, had her house for sale for 60 days without a nibble! Ours didn’t take quite as long to sell, but almost!! Oh the stress! Anyway we sold our house and the deal went through.

Next thing that happened was my 95 year old mother fell and broke her hip. My poor Mom! I could go on and on about this. About how she suffered and how hard it was to be with her everyday in the hospital and watch that suffering. My sweet, beloved Mother died after about a month in the hospital. It was a blessing. We were all around her when she died and I know she is in a better place. I love and miss you Mom.

So I’m back and we move in 22 days! I’m looking at this as a new beginning. I will work hard at creating more of my art quilts and showing them at Stratford Art in the Park among other places in Guelph and the surrounding area. And I plan to die in this new house since I will never move again!!! Wish us luck with this move and my new beginning!


August 25, 2024